Understanding Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are some of the most common ankle injuries. They happen when the ankle is twisted, rolled, or turned in a way that is abnormal. When it comes to ankle sprains, the level of severity varies. Some heal on...

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What is Hallux Rigidus?

If you are experiencing big toe pain, it’s possible you have a disorder called Hallux Rigidus. The name literally means “stiff big toe”, which is the primary symptom patients experience. If left untreated it can become increasingly uncomfortable, which is...

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What is Flatfoot?

For those with flat feet, also known as flatfoot, standing or partaking in any physical activity can be painful. This is because there is no arch in the foot so the entire sole of the foot touches the ground. There...

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Bunions and Hammertoes

Bunions and hammertoes are both foot deformities that occur for a variety of reasons. Once they develop and progress, they cause physical changes to the foot and can even cause discomfort. However, recognizing the causes and symptoms can help prevent...

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